中文数据库编辑Chinese Language Database Editor
Radiodata Center
  • 面议
  • 国外
  • 经验 不限
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

我们正在寻找: 对广播、研究和数据有浓厚兴趣和热情的母语为中文的人(其他语言是一种优势)。 您将定期更新我们的中文数据库。 您应该准确、可靠,并且具有查找和解释数据的诀窍。 该任务需要大约 每周 10 小时。 We are looking for: A native Chinese speaker (other languages are an asset) with a strong interest and passion for radio, research and data. You will update our Chinese language database on a regular basis. You should be precise, reliable and have a knack for finding and interpreting data. The task requires approx. 10 hours per week.


我们提供什么? ▪ 100% 远程工作 ▪ 多元文化团队 ▪ 弹性工作时间 ▪ 自由职业者或 450 欧元的Mini-Job(必须居住在德国) 我们是否引起了您的兴趣?那么我们期待收到您的来信。 What we offer? ▪ 100 % remote work ▪ multicultural team ▪ flexible work hours ▪ freelance or 450 Euro Mini-Job (residence in Germany mandatory) Have we caught your interest? Then we look forward to hear from you.


上班地址:remote, 德国


Radio Data Center runs the most comprehensive database of radio stations worldwide. We are now extending our Chinese language team and are looking for a Chinese language database editor. Radio Data Center is a 100% remote company. Our multicultural team is working all around the globe. Our database of the world\'s radio stations is continuously updated and made available to a constantly growing community and number of customers. We are driven by the fascination of technology, wave propagation and the huge range of content We believe in the power and importance of radio as a medium that connects us with other people. Radio Data Center运行着全球最全面的无线电台数据库。我们现在正在扩展我们的中文团队,并正在寻找中文数据库编辑器。 Radio Data Center是一家 100% 远程公司。我们的多元文化团队在全球范围内开展工作。我们的世界广播电台数据库不断更新,并提供给不断增长的社区和客户数量。我们被技术的魅力、波传播和广泛的内容所驱动我们相信无线电作为一种将我们与他人联系起来的媒介的力量和重要性。